L. Villarejo1, A. Galante2, M. Cenedese3, S. Sarria4, B. Diep5, B. Gordo-PĂ©rez1
The Soft Improve project is an Erasmus funded Strategic Partnership in the field of VET Education taking place between 2021 and 2024. The goal of Soft Improve is to provide professionals and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and practice of soft skills – transversal competences - needed to enhance their employability, improve their career prospects, or increase their chance of success as entrepreneurs.
Soft skills have been defined as non-technical skills that describe personalities rather than job-specific skills. The term is therefore opposed to "hard skills", considered as special requirements that simply have to be right for jobs, while soft skills have been mainstreaming considered as behavioral skills that define an individual's personality. Hence, hard skills are considered as technical skills acquired through education, training, or work experience, defined as know-how, while soft skills, so far, have been not. Soft Improve aims to treat the education of soft skills with the pedogeological responsibility used to hard skills so far, considering soft skills as fundamental competences for the employability of individuals in the current job market system.
The goal of SoftImprove is to provide professionals and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and practice of soft skills needed to enhance their employability, improve their career prospects or increase their chance of success as entrepreneurs.
In order to achieve that goal, the project divided this main goal into four sub-goals:
1) Characterize soft skills, decipher the role they play in improving employability, career and business and assess professionals and entrepreneurs’ needs and expectations of training on soft skills.
2) Specify and develop a methodology blending in-person teaching and distance learning to train employed and unemployed professionals and aspiring and confirmed entrepreneurs on soft skills along with tools to monitor and assess the trainees’ progress in soft skills.
3) Develop a mooc online virtual training course and podcasts on soft skills combining theoretical knowledge, coaching, gamification and peer-to-peer feedbacks to be tested in pilot sessions, evaluated and refined.
4) Construct a distance learning platform on soft skills made up of adapted as well as specifically developed contents.
In this paper, we will focus on the description of the work done and results in the creation of a new distance learning platform which has ben named as the Soft Improve Academy. Such platform contains MOOCs as free distance learning educational resources for twelve soft skills. These twelve soft skills are group into "Personal Skills", "Methodological skills" and "Social Skills".
Under "Personal skills" we will find resources on "Time Management", "Adaptability, resilience and flexibility", "Self-motivation" and "Creativity". Under "Methodological skills" we will find "Problem Solving", "Leadership", "System Thinking" and "Project Management and Personal Organization". Under "Social Skills" we will find resources on "Conflict Resolution", "Communication", "Teamwork" and "Empathy and Emotional Awareness".
Keywords: MOOC, free learning resources, soft skills, empathy, conflict resolution.