A. Umirbekova1, L.A. Butabayeva2
This article explores how to prepare teachers to operate in inclusive classrooms, highlighting the importance of giving them the skills they need to meet the demands of a diverse student body. The need for qualified educators who can create fair and encouraging learning environments has increased significantly as the global educational landscape embraces inclusivity more and more. In order to improve teachers' preparedness for inclusive education, the study investigates theoretical frameworks, useful techniques, and systemic approaches.
Developing inclusive attitudes, understanding about impairments and diverse learning requirements, and honing practical skills for differentiated instruction are some of the key elements of teacher training that are covered in the article. Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a fundamental strategy for creating adaptable and accessible educational experiences, is given a lot of attention. It is also emphasized that a key component of contemporary teacher preparation is the incorporation of digital tools and assistive technologies.
The efficacy of focused training interventions is revealed by empirical results from a formative experiment involving pre-service teachers. The trial evaluated the effects of workshops, specialized teaching methods, and practical experience in inclusive classrooms. The findings showed that participants' abilities to manage diverse classrooms, develop adaptable lesson plans, and apply reflective techniques for ongoing professional development had significantly improved.
The difficulties in educating educators for inclusive education are also covered in the paper, including policy implementation gaps, resource scarcity, and opposition to change. There are suggestions made for overcoming these obstacles, such as improving the curriculum, collaborating more with schools and educational institutions, and encouraging an inclusive culture in teacher preparation programs.
The results highlight how crucial it is to approach teacher training holistically, integrating academic understanding with real-world application and ongoing professional growth. In order to ensure that aspiring teachers are prepared to successfully address the various needs of every student, the study ends with a call to action for educational policymakers and institutions to give inclusive education top priority within teacher training frameworks.
This study was conducted by Kazakhstani scientists, within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan IRN AP19576707 «Formation of inclusive competence of future teachers through the technologies of universal learning design (ULD)».
Keywords: Inclusive education, teacher preparation, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), differentiated instruction, inclusive classrooms, teacher training programs, professional development.