R. Best
As we continue to face teacher shortages and teacher attrition on a global scale in the 21st Century, we must explore innovative ways to retain those committed to the field of education. This narrative case study chronicles the trajectories and experiences of three teacher leaders whose relationship was interwoven and reciprocal in nature. Whereas one of the protagonists had formal education as a teacher leader, the other two practitioners' growth happened serendipitously.
During the 2022 to 2023 school year, the three teacher leaders had the opportunity to work close together while supporting a student teacher aka teacher candidate. This collaborative triad included a college administrator, university supervisor, and school based mentor. They supported a student teacher who was participating in a residency model of preservice training. The district level initiative allowed the candidate to shadow and mirror a trained mentor teacher. The mentor collaborated with the university supervisor to observe and provide feedback about the candidates’ overall performance. The outcome as described by the student teacher was that the experience helped to connect and bridge the gap between course work and teaching practice.
Fast forward to Fall 2024, when the teacher educators reconnected with the former student teacher to reflect on the experiences. The major discovery was that they all had grown professionally. The dialog that ensued validated the importance of mentoring as a key factor in the teacher and leader development life cycle. It was evident that the key players in this case study had a positive impact on each other as well as the student teacher.
The educators’ reflections and conversations were prompted by the following overarching questions:
a. What are the characteristics of an effective teacher?
b. What are the dispositions and the expected disposition of a mentor teacher?
c. How have different teacher educator roles resulted in professional growth, development and teacher leadership?
Conclusions drawn were based on a close review and analysis of the transcripts from Zoom meetings where the college administrator facilitated a focus group interview. Common themes emerged, for example, it was evident that all the players increased their confidence while developing professionally. Even though their leadership roles changed year over year, they remained committed to developing the next generation of teachers. This paper and virtual presentation will highlight the stories and professional journeys of the three educational leaders and their protégé. The goal is to inspire readers and conference attendees to recommit to the mission of recruiting, supporting, and retaining quality teachers.
Keywords: Teacher leadership, professional development, teacher preparation, mentorship, training and development.