M. Payano, J. Craven
This study investigated how teachers, special education co-teachers, and students with diverse learning needs perceive the use of interactive technologies in co-teaching elementary classrooms, with a particular focus on potential differences in their perspectives regarding the technology's role in supporting learning.
The authors employed a qualitative research design using a case study approach to explore how special education teachers and neurodiverse students perceive the use of technology in supporting academic and social learning within ICT classrooms.
The authors selected participants through homogeneous sampling. This involved recruiting four general and special education teacher pairs and four neurodiverse third-grade students, all from the same ICT classrooms in a private school located in a low-income community. Researchers conducted interviews with both teachers and students, either in person or virtually using Zoom. The study aimed to understand teachers' and students' views on educational technology as a tool for academic support and social learning, and to compare their perspectives.
Both educators and students acknowledged technology's efficacy in enhancing learning engagement, motivation, and accessibility. Teachers leverage digital tools, such as interactive whiteboards and educational software programs, to cultivate dynamic and interactive learning experiences that cater to a variety of learning styles. Similarly, students value technologies that facilitate gamified learning approaches and provide easier access to educational content, thereby fostering their autonomy and engagement in the learning process. Additionally, all participants appreciated the role of digital platforms in promoting peer-to-peer collaboration and communication.
Research suggests that creative and innovative instruction can improve academic motivation, engagement, and social skills for students with disabilities. Technology offers a powerful tool for educators to create such an environment, fostering student creativity, participation, and collaboration. Therefore, effectively integrating technology into classrooms is crucial for educators to empower all students, including neurodiverse students (i.e., students with special needs).
However, the study underscores the necessity for improved accessibility features within the technological landscape and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive teacher training on technology integration strategies. These findings highlight the significance of continuous professional development and strategic technology implementation to optimize educational outcomes for all students, particularly those with learning differences. Furthermore, the research offers recommendations for augmenting teacher training and educational technology deployment to better support neurodiverse learners within co-teaching elementary classrooms.
Keywords: Technology, education, special education, co-instruction.