F. Scianitti1, M. Bernardi2, S. Bertelli1, M. Boselli3, C. Collà Ruvolo1, D. Molaro4, P. Paolucci1, C. Zonda2
1 INFN, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (ITALY)
2 Fondazione Agnelli (ITALY)
3 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Département de l’instruction publique, ètat de Genéve (ITALY)
4 Fondazione Agnelli / CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research (ITALY)
HOP- Hands On Physics is a project by INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics, CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research and Agnelli Foundation, intended to provide Mathematics and Science and Technology teachers of lower secondary schools with teaching tools and innovative formats to teach the scientific method and physics, by carrying out engaging experimental activities in class with students. The pedagogical approach is inquiry-based learning. Along a three-year project (2023-2025), all interested teachers participate in a training day and receive a teaching and experimental kit for their classes. What motivates the hands-on approach to science is the evidence that the scientific method is something inherited in students' daily lives and should only be brought to the surface and observed more closely. With this purpose, experimental activities stimulate the interest and students' curiosity, helping them to better understand concepts and theories. With the consciousness that the science curriculum of middle schools is vast and often there is not much time for physics, inquiry-based learning demonstrates to be a valid method to introduce ideas about the interpretation of reality and scientific phenomena, giving reason for the process followed by scientific communities.

At the end of the three years, more than 2,000 teachers from all over Italy will have had the opportunity to participate in training days in many different cities all around Italy. At the end of each scholar year a survey will be submitted to teachers in order to evaluate their use of the kit in their classrooms. First results demonstrate excellent feedback, showing an extended use of the kit and its helpfulness in didactic programs.

Keywords: Education, middle schools, hands-on, didactic kit.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Inquiry and Challenge Based Learning
Session time: Tuesday, 4th of March from 10:30 to 12:00
Session type: ORAL