G. Sart, F.H. Sezgin
Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa (TURKEY)
Academics' attitudes towards artificial intelligence (AI) play a significant role in adopting innovative and efficient methods in academic activities. A positive attitude towards AI enables academics to effectively utilize AI tools in research, data analysis, publication preparation, and teaching processes. For instance, AI applications such as big data analytics and natural language processing allow research to be conducted faster and more comprehensively. Academics who benefit from these technologies can enhance their job processes, thereby improving their job performance. Thus, a positive attitude towards AI supports both individual success and institutional contributions.

On the other hand, a negative attitude towards AI can adversely affect academics' job performance. Individuals resistant to technological changes may struggle to adopt AI applications, leading to time loss, reduced efficiency, and a departure from innovation in their job processes. For example, an academic who rejects AI-supported learning management systems or student assessment tools may increase their workload and reduce the quality of education provided to students. Therefore, changing academics' attitudes towards AI and raising awareness about its potential are critical requirements for improving job performance.

The aim of this study is to determine the impact of academics’ attitudes towards AI on their job performance. The analyses were conducted on 290 academics working in various faculties at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. Pearson correlation and regression analyses were performed to examine the relationships. To ensure the assumptions for regression analysis were met, the robust Newey-West estimator was applied. The normal distribution of dimension scores was confirmed with p>0.05. According to the Pearson correlation analysis, attitudes towards AI were found to be positively and significantly correlated with job performance at 39.2%. The regression analysis revealed that AI attitudes positively and significantly affect job performance (β=0.401, p<0.01).

In conclusion, to optimize the impact of AI attitudes on job performance among academics, supportive policies should be implemented at both individual and institutional levels. Universities and research centers can foster positive perceptions of AI technologies by offering training, seminars, and workshops for academics. Additionally, developing support mechanisms tailored to the needs of academics during the integration of AI tools can help them adapt to new technologies more quickly. Such approaches not only enhance academics’ job performance but also contribute to individual success and the overall academic performance of the university.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Job Performance, Academics, Statistical Analysis.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: 21st Century Skills
Session type: VIRTUAL