G. Sart, F.H. Sezgin
Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa (TURKEY)
Attitudes towards informatics ethical values refer to individuals’ awareness of behaving in accordance with ethical principles while using information and communication technologies and the importance they place on these values. Since university students heavily utilize digital environments, it is crucial for them to have strong attitudes towards informatics ethical values. These attitudes enable students to make ethical decisions in areas such as accurate information sharing in digital environments, respect for privacy, protection of intellectual property rights, and cybersecurity. In the age of technology, university students acting in accordance with these values contributes to the development of an informatics ethics culture at both individual and societal levels.

University students' attitudes towards informatics ethical values are closely related to their educational processes and digital literacy levels. In a rapidly digitalizing world of accessing, sharing, and producing information, increasing students' awareness of informatics ethics ensures that they become conscious users. For instance, attitudes such as properly referencing sources, adhering to academic integrity rules, protecting personal data, and displaying ethical behavior on social media enable university students to act ethically in digital environments. At this point, integrating informatics ethics education into curricula can help students develop their knowledge and skills regarding ethical values.

The aim of this study is to statistically evaluate the attitudes of students from various faculties at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa towards informatics ethical values in terms of demographic and general characteristics. A total of 470 students participated in the study. The Attitude Scale towards Informatics Ethical Values, developed by Celik and Gundogdu (2019), was used as the measurement tool. Since the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk normality tests indicated p>0.05, a normal distribution was achieved. Independent samples t-test was used for comparisons between two groups, and one-way ANOVA test was used for comparisons among more than two groups. According to the analysis results, female students, engineering faculty students, students with moderate perceived income levels, students living with their families, and students who attended seminars on ethics scored significantly higher in attitudes towards informatics ethical values.

In conclusion, fostering positive attitudes towards informatics ethical values among university students enhances both their individual responsibilities and societal contributions. Violations of ethical rules can have severe negative effects on individuals and society; therefore, universities should develop policies and practices that encourage ethical behavior among students. Additionally, activities such as informatics ethics workshops, awareness campaigns, and case studies can effectively help students internalize informatics ethical values. Students with strong attitudes towards informatics ethics will contribute to society as conscious individuals who use technology ethically in the future.

Keywords: Informatics Ethical Values, Attitudes Towards Informatics, University Students, Statistical Analysis.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: Digital Transformation
Session type: VIRTUAL