B. Ortega-Muñoz, M.G. Badilla-Quintana
Immersive technologies have rapidly emerged as transformative pedagogical tools, redefining traditional learning environments and methodologies. These innovations offer significant advantages over conventional approaches, particularly in fostering meaningful learning experiences for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
One of the primary challenges for students with SEN is their difficulty in processing information, often resulting in cognitive overload that adversely impacts their ability to retain, store, and retrieve information. Immersive tools, designed to stimulate multiple senses, provide enriching experiences that promote curiosity, motivation, engagement, and creativity. These features facilitate a more natural understanding and assimilation of content, offering essential support to students with educational challenges. By engaging sensory pathways, immersive technologies create opportunities to enhance comprehension and make learning more accessible than traditional methods.
This study seeks to evaluate the impact of immersive technology on the cognitive load and academic performance of primary school students with SEN.
This study employed a descriptive and explanatory approach with a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 25 primary school students in 7th and 8th grades, who participated in nine pedagogical activities over two months during the pandemic. The activities aimed to develop reading comprehension skills.
Two groups were established: the Experimental Group, which used the virtual world Tymmi Island on Open Simulator, featuring environments like classrooms and auditoriums where students, through avatars, participated in interactive sessions with videos, images, and collaborative activities. The Control Group engaged in videoconferencing sessions on Google Meet, supported by slides, videos, and teacher explanations, concluding with individual tasks on platforms like Quizizz, Kahoot!, and Educaplay.
Data Collection Instruments were two: Reading Comprehension Test (administered as pre-test and post-test) and Cognitive Load Measurement Questionnaire (to assess cognitive load dynamics).
Data were analyzed using Jamovi software, applying both descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
The findings revealed that the group using immersive technology experienced significantly lower extraneous cognitive load, higher germane cognitive load, and superior learning outcomes compared to the control group, which used traditional videoconferencing tools. The immersive environment allowed students to interact with content in a multisensory manner, promoting deeper understanding and improved retention of information.
Discussion and conclusions:
Immersive technologies not only enhance student motivation and interest but also offer a promising solution for addressing the specific needs of students with SEN. By reducing extraneous cognitive load and fostering engagement, these tools provide an effective and innovative approach to inclusive education. The findings suggest that immersive technologies can bridge gaps in accessibility and equity, enabling diverse learners to achieve their academic potential. As such, immersive tools hold immense promise as an integral component of future educational practices tailored to the needs of students with SEN.
Keywords: Immersive Technologies, Cognitive Load, Academic Performance, Special Educational Needs, Inclusive Education.