A. Amin1, R. Pacheco2, M. Carneiro2, F. Gauthier2
1 Instituto de Estudos Avançados - IEA/USP (BRAZIL)
2 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (BRAZIL)
The localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remains a critical challenge in achieving Agenda 2030. Ensuring success requires a skilled workforce of municipal agents equipped to implement sustainable policies and verify their impact. Over the past four years, the CEURS Program (National Program for Training and Research in Urban and Regional Sustainability) has addressed this need by developing a robust capacity-building framework through digital education and competency-based learning.

CEURS has trained over 1,500 participants across 215 municipalities in 24 states, fostering impactful municipal policies and community-based initiatives. These outcomes include the creation of municipal sustainability committees, actionable sustainability plans, and enhanced intersectoral collaboration. Through its innovative transdisciplinary coproduction methodology, CEURS bridged academia, government, and civil society, solidifying its role as a national benchmark in SDG localization.

As a culmination of its journey, this article presents CEURS as both a final report and a springboard for a transformative initiative. Leveraging the lessons learned, CEURS is transitioning to a new phase: a national program dedicated to training fundamental school educators in SDG localization, set to launch in 2025. The program expands CEURS’s principles to address educational needs at the foundational level, building a new generation of sustainability advocates.

Moreover, CEURS has been pivotal in advancing research in capacity building. Its findings led to the development of the ABC Methodology (Aprendizagem Baseada em Coprodução or Coproduction-Based Learning), a scalable, domain-independent approach to large-scale team training. This methodology enhances team performance by integrating educational commons, hybrid teams, competency-based learning, and digital education design.

By synthesizing its achievements, CEURS sets a precedent for capacity-building programs and SDG localization. This paper consolidates the program's impact, highlights its contributions to research and education, and outlines the transition to its next evolutionary phase, ensuring continued national relevance in addressing global challenges.

Keywords: Education for Sustainability, Digital Education, SDG Localization, Capacity Building.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Service Learning & Community Engagement
Session time: Monday, 3rd of March from 11:00 to 12:15
Session type: ORAL