J. Löber, B. Thierfelder, N.C. Peters, D. Werth
August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut für digitale Produkte und Prozesse gGmbH (GERMANY)
Learning to play a musical instrument is a demanding and often tedious challenge for many people. Technological aids are increasingly being used with the aim of simplifying and improving learning. This paper introduces a conceptual framework and prototype system for Virtual Reality (VR)-based drumming education, designed with pedagogical features for practical and theoretical music learning. In contrast to existing VR drumming games, which are primarily designed for entertainment, this system was developed specifically for educational use and supports both the practical learning process and the understanding of music theory, in particular note reading.
The system utilizes the VR system's motion tracking, which allows it to both record drumming exercises and provide real-time feedback and scoring. A teacher can prescribe customized exercises that guide the learner step by step through the learning process. Both the stroke movements and the rhythmic sequences are precisely recorded to give the learner specific tips on how to improve their technique. This direct feedback is expected to significantly increase the learning effect.
Another innovative function of the system is the automatic conversion of played drumming sequences into a music sheet. The system recognizes the strokes played and subsequently displays them as music notation, which enables ‘learning by doing’. This supports the learner not only in practical realization, but also in learning to read music sheets. In addition, the system provides visual cues and instructions that guide the learner through the individual steps of drumming. This is expected to further enhance the learning process by strengthening the link between the displayed notes and the corresponding drums. This link between the actual drumming movements and the representation on a sheet of music represents a new dimension in interactive drumming music teaching that has not yet been covered by any other system in this form.
The combination of movement tracking and recording, real-time feedback, direct assessment, automated music sheet creation and visual support for note learning creates a comprehensive learning system that conveys an understanding of rhythm and notation in a completely new way. During the development of the VR system, some technical limitations in tracking were identified. A slight delay leads to inaccuracies during fast drumming movements. To solve this problem, the tracking technology needs to be improved. We also realized that VR systems can neither realistically simulate the correct holding of the drumsticks nor the rebound - the springing back of the stick. The system can therefore not be used as a standalone system for learning to play the drums, but it serves as an excellent supplement for in-person drumming lessons. We expect that the system provides an intuitive and effective approach to supporting beginners, enhancing both the efficiency and the engagement of the learning process.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Immersive Learning, Drumming Education, Music Theory.