A. Lopez-Urionabarrenechea, B.B. Perez-Martinez
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department. Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao (SPAIN)
This paper presents a pilot experience on service-learning carried out in the subject of Waste Sampling and Analysis of the Degree in Environmental Engineering at the School of Engineering of Bilbao, belonging to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The experience has been designed in response to a need of the company Licores Barañano, a producer of patxarán (a typical liquor of the Basque Country) and other alcoholic beverages. The company contacted the university to try to find a solution to a waste management problem arising from the production of macerated sloes, which currently have no alternative for valorisation. Therefore, the company needed a study of possible valorisation alternatives for the waste. This study required the sampling of the waste at the company's facilities and the execution of a series of physical, chemical and biological analyses. Therefore, the company's need fully matched with the competences of the subject, which explains the main waste sampling methods and the most relevant analytical techniques related to the different valorisation and treatment possibilities.

The students enrolled in the subject (11) went to the company's facilities with the teaching staff and carried out on-site sampling with waste sampling material, following the guidelines taught in class and reflected in the international standards. Subsequently, during the course of the classes scheduled for the following two weeks, the students were divided into different groups to carry out all the relevant analyses for the study of the valorisation alternatives, including the processing of the data obtained. Finally, an on-line document was shared in order to write the waste sampling and analysis report in a collaborative way, with control of the contributions made by each of the students. The final report, of professional level, was supervised by the teaching staff of the course and delivered to the company. At the same time, it served as a working tool for the subject, giving rise to an enriching discussion of the results obtained.

Keywords: Service-learning, waste management, sustainability, high education, waste sampling, waste analysis.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Active & Student-Centered Learning
Session: Active & Experiential Learning
Session type: VIRTUAL