R. Forliano, A. Di Grassi
Università degli Studi di Bari ''Aldo Moro'' (ITALY)
This article explores the use of educational robotics as an innovative learning tool in pre-school, with a focus on introduction to mathematics. The aim is to demonstrate how interaction with robots can transform learning into an engaging, stimulating and personalised experience, in line with the latest pedagogical theories. The introduction of robotic devices in education offers children the opportunity to develop skills crucial for the 21st century. Computational thinking, creativity, problem-solving and decision-making are enhanced through direct experience and the manipulation of concrete objects. As Seymour Papert argued, coding becomes the key to understanding and using technology in a critical and conscious manner.

The proposed approach is based on an active and collaborative learning model, inspired by Peer Education. The children, protagonists of the educational process, interact with the robots, programming them and solving challenges in a playful and stimulating environment. Working in a group encourages socialisation, sharing and inclusion, creating a positive and collaborative learning climate, in line with the suggestions of pedagogues such as Frabboni, Malaguzzi, Bertolini and Scurati.A peculiar aspect of educational robotics is its ability to involve children on an emotional level. By observing and interacting with robots, children project moods and emotions onto them, developing empathy and active participation. Robots like Blue-Bot and Tale-Bot Pro, integrated with storytelling activities, prove to be effective tools for learning logical-mathematical concepts and for the social-emotional growth of children aged 3 to 6.

Mathematics, often perceived as an abstract and complex discipline, is presented to children in a concrete and experiential way. Through robot programming, children discover concepts such as sequences, algorithms and spatial relationships, developing a natural predisposition towards logical-mathematical thinking.The article presents the results of a pilot project conducted in a kindergarten in the province of Bari, with five-year-old children. The initiative used educational robotics and ludic-narrative activities to promote the development of computational, critical and programming language thinking.

Educational robotics is a valuable resource for preschools. Through a playful, collaborative and personalised approach, it is possible to bring children closer to mathematics and new technologies, stimulating their curiosity, creativity and critical thinking.

Keywords: Educational robotics, Mathematics, Kindergarten.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Coding & Computational Thinking
Session time: Tuesday, 4th of March from 12:15 to 13:45
Session type: ORAL