L. García-Zambrano, M. Ruiz-Roqueñi, Y. Chica-Paez
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (SPAIN)
Challenge Based Learning (CBL) is a promising multidisciplinary approach to offer an efficient and effective framework for learning while solving real-world challenges. CBL approach promotes students to use it and to take advantages of technology in their day to day dealing with real problems. Students work with other students, their teachers, and also, experts in their communities to develop deeper knowledge of the subjects, accept and solve challenges, share their experiences, and enter into a global discussion about important issues, such as sustainable development goals (SDG).

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to humanity in the 21st century. In addition, we produce twice as much plastic waste as two decades ago, and considering that only 9% of plastic waste is successfully recycled, the aim of this paper is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts at University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, concretely the Business and Economics Faculty, focusing on the 13th SDG. For that, we are working against the lack of recycling under a program called "Zero Waste.” The objective of the program is to know and analyze the problems connected to recycling within the University of Basque Country, UPV-EHU. The initial results showed a lack of recycling, in general, among students and teachers; a lack of organization of garbage containers, as well as a lack of specific containers for recycling. Based on the previous year´s results, we propose a second school year focusing our efforts on solving the aforementioned problems.

Keywords: Challenge Based Learning (CBL), sustainability, University of Basque Country UPV-EHU, Zero Waste programme.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Quality & Impact of Education
Session: Sustainability & Social Impact of Education
Session type: VIRTUAL