M. Puche-Juarez, J.M. Toledano-Dueñas, J.M. Galvez-Navas, J. Moreno-Fernandez, J.J. Ochoa-Herrera, M.C. Ramírez-Tortosa, S. López-Ortega, M. Fernández-Cabezas, J. Díaz-Castro
University of Granada (SPAIN)
Students with specific needs for educational support are those who present specific educational needs due to specific learning difficulties, due to attention deficit disorders with or without hyperactivity, due to special personal conditions or academic history, due to late incorporation into the educational system, due to high intellectual abilities, mental health disorders, difficulties in the field of communication and language and who may require certain supports in part or throughout their training. Taking this context into account, one of the challenges that university degrees have had to face for the conversion to the European Higher Education Area has been the transformation of teaching methodologies to allow active and committed student learning. Furthermore, the university population is considered a particularly vulnerable group from the point of view of nutritional, physical activity and rest habits, given that this is the moment in which many of them begin to take responsibility for their nutrition and independence and, therefore, they go through a critical period in the consolidation of eating habits, which makes it a key stage for health education activities. One of the best tools to acquire these skills is neuroeducation, the acquisition of emotional skills and the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits. However, due to bureaucratic and teaching burdens, not enough attention has been paid to these powerful tools, with the traditional conception of teaching still prevailing. The general objective of this study is to develop a pedagogical methodology, so that students with specific needs for educational support develop their academic performance through knowledge of neuroscience, emotional intelligence and healthy lifestyle habits, so that they manage their emotions at their own discretion, their daily life and factors that harm the teaching-learning process, including the learning to recognize and understand the feelings of other students, regulating their stress and promoting healthy lifestyle habits, which will have a positive impact on their academic performance and personal relationships. The actions included in the project were designed to improve comprehensive health and enhance the learning and objectives of students with specific educational support needs, with continuous feedback on resources and activities throughout the process, which allows strategies to be redesigned. A series of workshops and seminars were taught, dedicated to promoting aspects of physical and emotional health so that students could develop and improve their learning process. These included the physiological bases of neuroeducation (e.g., the limbic system, amygdala, and their impact on cognitive function and memory), neurotransmitters, and reward systems critical for learning. Emotional skills were also emphasized, such as self-awareness, emotional control, motivation, empathy, conflict resolution, and communication skills. Healthy lifestyle habits were discussed, including strategies for creating diets adapted to academic demands to optimize cognitive performance. Students completed tests to measure the interventions' effects on their physical and emotional health and their relationship to learning. After these workshops, students showed improved adaptive processes, better emotion regulation, and higher academic performance. Additionally, they demonstrated better lifestyle habits and overall health outcomes.

Keywords: Specific Needs for Educational Support, teaching innovation, learning, lifestyle habits, Neuroeducation.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Innovative Educational Technologies
Session: Technology Enhanced Learning
Session type: VIRTUAL