V. Roger-Monzó
The progressive generalisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the audiovisual sector is changing the different stages of production. From writing scripts and generating visual and audiovisual content to incorporating special effects, AI favours streamlining creation processes. The latest PwC report on Spain's Entertainment and Media industry highlights the need to train new qualified professionals in Virtual Reality, digital content production and AI. The objective of this research is twofold: on the one hand, to make a teaching innovation proposal to introduce students to the use of different AI tools aimed at creating audiovisual content; on the other, to analyse the perception of participating students about this technology. To do this, and as a practice for a thematic block on Broadcast Design, a teaching innovation activity was designed that consisted of generating a promotional teaser for a television programme that had been previously conceived. To create it, students had to use different AI applications to develop the visual, audiovisual and sound resources to make up their proposal. The generated audiovisual content had to last two minutes and include the header, the presenters of the program who presented the space from different angles in which the used scenery could be appreciated, and the most appropriate motion graphics. Subsequently, the students answered a semi-structured questionnaire aimed at reflecting on their experience in the audiovisual creation process through AI. In this way, it was possible to explore the perception of future professionals in the audiovisual industry regarding this new technology from a qualitative approach. The sample includes 34 questionnaires that were analysed with the MAXQDA software. The preliminary results show that the perception of AI is complex and multifaceted. Although they value its opportunities in terms of accessibility and speed to develop audiovisual proposals, they also identify numerous technical limitations and ethical dilemmas in its use.
Keywords: AI, audiovisual creation, higher education, perception.