M. Çınar, H. Boz
The continuous advancement of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has made new media literacy a critical skill for modern society. As digital tools and platforms increasingly dominate daily life, they offer a myriad of opportunities alongside significant risks. With mobile devices and smartphones enabling constant connectivity, new media tools have become indispensable for people of all ages, particularly for children and adolescents. These younger generations often immerse themselves in digital environments that serve as their primary spaces for socializing, learning, and entertainment.
Parents often feel unequipped to navigate the complexities of their children’s digital lives. Although many adopt restrictive or protective measures, these approaches frequently fall short in addressing the nuanced realities of new media. This research was designed to empower parents by fostering their new media literacy skills. The study aimed to develop and evaluate a training program specifically for parents of middle and high school students, enabling them to assume collaborative and participatory roles alongside their children in navigating digital environments.
In this research study adopted a multi-phase approach to ensure the effective development and evaluation of the training program. The initial stage involved understanding parents’ baseline media literacy skills and their concerns about their children’s use of new media. A media literacy skills scale was administered before and after the training program, allowing for a comparative analysis of participants’ progress. Demographic data, including gender, educational background, school type, attendance status, and the number of devices owned, were also collected to explore variations in training outcomes across different participant groups.
The second phase focused on implementing the New Media Literacy Training Program. Designed to address the theoretical and practical aspects of new media literacy, the program included modules on critical media analysis, understanding online risks, fostering responsible digital practices, and promoting collaborative engagement between parents and children.
In the final stage, interviews were conducted with selected parents who had participated in the program. These interviews provided qualitative insights into their experiences, offering valuable feedback for refining the program and understanding its broader impact.
In conclusion, this research study demonstrates the transformative potential of empowering parents with new media literacy skills. By fostering critical perspectives and promoting collaborative engagement, such initiatives contribute to healthier, more informed interactions with digital environments, benefiting both parents and their children.
Keywords: Adult Education, Lifelong Learning, New Media Literacy, New Media, Critical Media Literacy.