M.J. Trujillo-Rodríguez, J. Pasán, C.J. Saavedra-Fernández
Flipped learning is an instructional strategy of interest in Higher Education. Flipped learning re-organize the activities before and after the classroom. In a first stage, students perform different homework activities to acquire theoretical knowledge, normally through video-classes. After that, the time of the class is used for practical activities focused on the development of practical skills and to promote the creativity and critical thinking of the students.
The implementation of the flipped-learning methodology can be combined with innovative evaluation strategies for the students. It is of interest to mention continuous evaluation, formative assessment, and self-, peer-, and hetero-evaluations. The use of these evaluation strategies is not an easy task for both students and professors, although different virtual tools can be implemented to simplify the evaluation activities.
In this communication, we present the methodology and the results obtained after the application of a flipped-learning model in the Computational Chemistry course of the Degree in Environmental Sciences at Universidad de La Laguna (Spain). This course is taught during the first year of the degree and it is fully carried out using computers during sessions of 4 h.
At the same time, we include the most important results after the application of the EvalCOMIX-FLOASS web service, that was used for assessing the evaluation of the students. This platform was integrated in the learning management system (LMS) used at ULL, that it is based on Moodle. The web service facilitated the development of all the instruments required for evaluation (i.e., rubrics, check lists...) but also it helped in planning, performing, and monitoring the evaluations.
This educational project was developed and implemented under the scope of the University of La Laguna call of Projects for the Innovation and Transference in Education (PITE), calls 2024 and 2025. M.J.T.-R. thanks her Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC2021-032502-I), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union «NextGenerationEU»/PRTR.
Keywords: Flipped learning, e-Evaluation, Higher Education, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Computational Chemistry.