M. Lescevica1, Z. Gusta2
1 Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LATVIA)
2 RTU Liepaja Academy (LATVIA)
Achieving sustainability goals is a challenge for every organization, which also serves as a reason for the development of ever-new organizational management functions, including in the higher education system. Sustainable organisational management in the educational context has been explained more broadly through organisational management functions such as financial and technology management, marketing, procurement, etc., and in recent years there has been a greater focus on green human resource management (GHRM) in the world as an organisation management function aimed at addressing sustainability challenges. Although the GHRM is defined as a function of sustainable organisational governance that assesses the impact on economic and environmental sustainability indicators, social benefits are not more widely highlighted.

The aim of the article is to find out the existing GHRM practice in the highest educational institutions (HEI) in Latvia and its impact on employee well-being indicators. Initially, a theoretical basis is provided on the interaction between the GHRM and employee well-being, examples of good practice from EU Member States are collected, highlighting the most comprehensive approaches that improve employee well-being indicators. Based on theoretical findings, within the framework of the practical study, the methodology has been developed for identifying GHRM practice in the survey of HEIs in Latvia and assessing the impact on employee well-being indicators, as well as describing the role of GHRM in achieving social sustainability goals. At the end of the study, the GHRM model was developed, in which one of the most important forming functions is to ensure the well-being of employees, thus emphasizing the importance of social sustainability more broadly, as well as recommendations for the improvement of GHRM in accordance with sustainable management of the organization.

The main research question focused on how GHRM practices interact with employee well-being indicators and how these practices are implemented in the context of sustainable organizational management. The study presents the interplay between GHRM and employee well-being dimensions survey of academic and administrative staff in regional HEIs in Latvia.

The survey included a general question about the self-assessment of employee well-being, as well as statements about green HRM and employee well-being measures, and statements were measured using a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree") and gathered suggestions for improving GHRM and employee well-being in HEIs.

The overall findings indicated underdeveloped green HRM practices, luck of employee awareness and measures implemented in Latvian HEIs. This situation hampers the promotion of sustainable organizational management in the environmental dimension. While employee well-being indicators were assessed as moderate. Institutions that implemented more extensive GHRM measures showed higher employee well-being indicators.

The authors conclude that to foster sustainable management in HEIs, it is essential to expand the implementation of GHRM practices, as they positively influence employee well-being. Future studies should focus on a more detailed analysis of which GHRM measures most effectively enhance employee well-being.

Keywords: Green human recourse management, employee well-being, sustainable development.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Quality & Impact of Education
Session: University-Industry Collaboration
Session type: VIRTUAL