B. Palma, A. Solbes, A. Nieto-Villena, I. Pérez Folgado, M. Gaitán, A. León, E. Alba Pagán, C. Portalés
Universitat de València (SPAIN)
The Digital Heritage and Cultural Analysis (DHECA) project, part of the Emergent Educational Innovation Project 2024-2025 (PIEE), is at the forefront of innovative approaches to heritage studies at the Universitat de València (UVEG). This initiative, conceived by the Art History Department of the UVEG in collaboration with the Institute of Robotics and Communications (IRTIC) of the same university, the Horizon Europe 2024 ChemiNova project and the Arxiu Valencià del Disseny (Valencian Design Archive), invites undergraduate and postgraduate students from different disciplines to participate in a series of interdisciplinary workshops.

These three specialised workshops have been developed to address key aspects of cultural heritage preservation and dissemination. The workshops have been carefully designed to be accessible to students from a wide range of academic backgrounds, with no previous experience of digital tools or heritage studies required. This inclusive approach not only broadens participation, but also encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, a cornerstone of the project's philosophy.

The first workshop, “Imaging Techniques in Cultural Heritage Documentation”, introduced participants to cultural heritage documentation using photogrammetry, multi-band imaging (MBI) and imaging spectroscopy (Hyperspectral). Participants engaged in hands-on exercises to capture 3D models and reveal hidden layers in artworks, with an emphasis on accuracy and ethical considerations.

The second workshop, "3D Visualisation of Cultural Heritage: Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)", focused on the creation of digital replicas and interactive VR environments. Participants developed AR applications for museum displays and guided tours, using laptops and smartphones to create immersive experiences based on local heritage sites.

The third workshop, “New Interactive Museologies and Citizen Participation”, explored user-centred design for museum exhibits, interactive installations and citizen science initiatives. Students designed a prototype exhibit for the Arxiu Valencià del Disseny collections, incorporating interactive elements to enhance users and visitor engagement.

The programme culminated in a final seminar where participants developed AR/VR projects highlighting significant elements of cultural heritage. They presented their proposals, justifying their choices and demonstrating technical feasibility. The collaborative evaluation process encouraged shared learning and innovative approaches to cultural heritage dissemination. A key feature of the DHECA project is its emphasis on practical learning. Students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real heritage projects, working closely with experts from the Department of Art History, IRTIC, the Horizon Europe 2024 ChemiNova project and the Arxiu Valencià del Disseny.

The DHECA project represents a significant contribution to educational innovation and digital humanities. By equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to engage with their own cultural heritage and to raise awareness of current conservation issues (climate change, war conflicts) in Europe, it will improve the quality of heritage research and prepare them for careers in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and for dealing with these threats.

Keywords: Workshop, Cultural Heritage, Technology, Interdisciplinary Innovation, Education.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: 21st Century Skills
Session type: VIRTUAL