J. Suso, J.L. Gasent-Blesa, M.C. Bas, P. Ruiz-Femenía, M.J. Marín
The transition from secondary school to university represents a significant challenge for many students, encompassing academic, personal, and social dimensions. To facilitate this transition and foster integration into the university community, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia has incorporated a specific subject into its undergraduate curriculum. In the Bachelor's Degree in International Business, this subject, titled Instruments and Learning Techniques, has among its objectives to introduce students to the institution while motivating them to actively participate in its academic and governance structures. As a complement to the traditional lectures provided in the subject, we propose here a learning activity that engages students in the creation of audio-visual reports on the organisation, functions, and services of the University of Valencia. Working in teams, students are driven to explore different aspects of university life, developing a deeper understanding of how the institutions of the University operate and the opportunities available to them. This hands-on approach not only reinforces subject content but also nurtures critical academic, practical, and communicative skills, such as digital literacy, teamwork, and cooperative learning. These competencies are particularly valuable for fostering trust and respect among new classmates and preparing students for the collaborative demands of their academic and professional futures.
The pedagogical value of this project lies in its capacity to actively engage students and promote experiential learning through the production of meaningful content. By transforming theoretical knowledge into a tangible, creative outcome, students gain a sense of ownership in their learning process. This audio-visual approach also aligns with contemporary educational trends that emphasize active learning, digital tools, and peer collaboration as cornerstones of effective pedagogy.
Our presentation will share the results of implementing this project during the current academic year with a cohort of 80 students, organized into 20 teams, who selected 10 topics from a pool of 15 proposed. Feedback collected through surveys and class discussions, along with the instructors' observations, will be analysed to evaluate the project's impact and identify challenges encountered during its execution.
Finally, potential refinements and scalability options for applying this methodology to other degree programs within the faculty will be discussed, highlighting the transformative potential of audiovisual projects in higher education.
The effects of the “DANA” storm that hit Valencia at the beginning of November caused all university activities to be interrupted. This affected the planned development of our proposal, and the date of delivery of the students’ reports had to be postponed. We have just started to evaluate their work and will have the results ready for the final paper.
Keywords: Audiovisual project, experiential learning, active learning, communicative skills.