M. Kounalakis
This paper presents an alternative research methodology that combines art-based research methodology with new technologies. More specifically, it is a case study in the field of history of education 'from below' which aims at teachers' emotions about their daily school practice, with the difference that research data are collected by unconventional means. More specifically, new technologies are exploited to creatively capture in a digital environment the aforementioned feelings through digital creative writing techniques. The theoretical part of the paper summarizes some key features of the historiography of education 'from below', as well as its relation to the field of art-based research methodology. Then, the value of digital creative writing as a tool for collecting alternative and more anthropocentric evidence in the history of education is presented.
The methodological part of the paper presents:
a) the characteristics of the research sample,
b) the digital creative writing tools chosen,
c) how they were used by the teachers of the sample, and
d) the methodology of data analysis.
Some of the salient findings focus on:
a) the value of synaishtimatologia (emotionology) in the field of history of education,
b) the need to introduce artful practices in the collection of historical documents, and
c) the contribution of new technologies to historical research.
Keywords: Art based research methodology, history of education, creative digital writing.