K. Hoggatt Krumwiede1, R. Bogschutz2, B. Tran3, D. Farmer4, C. Kaunas5, V. Young6
1 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (UNITED STATES)
2 Texas Tech University Health Science Center (UNITED STATES)
3 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UNITED STATES)
4 The University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNITED STATES)
5 Texas A&M University Health Science Center (UNITED STATES)
6 The University of Texas at Austin (UNITED STATES)
The Texas Interprofessional Education Consortium has used technology in creative and successful ways to support interprofessional education (IPE) and professional development in health care education.

The Texas IPE Consortium was formed to provide resources, faculty development, and a community of practice for IPE at institutions of higher education across Texas. Many academic programs for medicine, nursing, pharmacy and other health professions require IPE for accreditation. For over ten years, the Consortium creatively included technologies in faculty development and IPE activities and models.
Many faculty have not been exposed to new technologies, nor do they know how to effectively incorporate them into IPE. The Texas IPE Consortium keeps IPE faculty current in new technologies and their implementation in IPE by purposely and effectively incorporating creative technologies at conferences and faculty development trainings.

Health professions students will need to provide interprofessional and collaborative patient care. This will require learning interprofessional competencies within their academic programs. Interprofessional competencies include communication, teamwork, values and ethics, and roles and responsibilities.
Interprofessional education is conducted through a social constructivist lens incorporating methods to support active and team-based learning. IPE can be conducted in face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid environments. Creative use of technologies supports active learning in different environments.
The Consortium provides annual conferences for faculty involved in IPE at their institutions. It also offers three trainings for faculty development: 1) TeamSTEPPS® 3.0, 2) IPE Facilitator Training, and 3) Rapid Teaming in Experiential Learning Environments. Faculty come to learn different models and methods for IPE which they bring back to enhance IPE efforts at their respective institutions. The Consortium constantly includes the creative use of technologies for audience feedback, participation, collaboration, role playing, skill-building, and team-based activities. Some examples include Poll Everywhere, IdeaBoardz, Padlet, Minecraft, virtual escape rooms, and Kahoot.

The Texas IPE Consortium has grown to almost 40 membership institutions representing public and private universities and colleges, community partners and healthcare agencies across Texas and beyond. The Consortium has offered conferences and faculty trainings for almost ten years. To date, the TeamSTEPPS® Master Training for clinician educators has trained 452 individuals (369 in-state, 83 out-of-state), representing 28 different professions from 74 unique institutions. The IPE Facilitation Certificate Course has been completed by 159 individuals (123 in-state, 36 out-of-state), representing 24 different professions from 53 unique institutions. The inaugural training for the Rapid Teaming Training was conducted in early 2024 and was completed by 65 faculty/preceptors, representing 20 unique professions from more than 25 institutions. Data from all trainings demonstrate their significant impact on effective training of faculty/preceptors.

The Texas IPE Consortium has successfully implemented technologies into conferences and professional development trainings for almost a decade. This model could be used by other academic programs for health professions and health systems for their trainees.

Keywords: Technology, interprofessional education, professional development.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Active Learning in Health Sciences Education
Session time: Tuesday, 4th of March from 08:30 to 10:00
Session type: ORAL