V. Ballester Riera, S. Sanz-Blas, D. Buzova, P. Fierro
University of Valencia (SPAIN)
This paper aims to analyze university students' perceptions, attitudes, and intentions to use a new methodology for measuring advertising effectiveness. This methodology allows for the effective and efficient planning and development of communication campaigns, integrating technology as part of the teaching and learning process.

The need for and development of this new methodological tool arise due to the emergence of new digital platforms, formats, and media, leading to a new advertising era where cross-media campaigns become a fundamental strategy to reach consumers across multiple touchpoints. Thus, it becomes essential to prepare students for the paradigm shift in communication media. With the proliferation of connected devices, audiences now consume content through various channels and platforms, introducing new consumption habits.

The proposed methodological innovation is implemented in Marketing Communication courses taught within the Bachelor's programs in Business Administration and Tourism at the University of Valencia. The primary audience includes senior undergraduate students enrolled in communication-related courses within the Faculty of Economics. Given the advances in technology and the development of digitalization, these courses require constant updates in both content and teaching methodologies to meet the future professional needs of students in the dynamic world of marketing and communication. The aim is for students to practically learn how to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of new cross-media campaigns that integrate digital advertising with traditional media.

The measurement tool used in the classroom was developed by the research firm Fluzo. It is based on ACR (Automatic Content Recognition) audio matching technology, utilizing a single metric to measure the impact of all media in a cross-media campaign. Additionally, it allows for continuous measurement 24/7, both inside and outside the home, with no limitations on devices or consumption moments.

After explaining its functionality and practical application to a real cross-media campaign, survey results among students highlight positive attitudes towards this new analysis methodology. It is perceived as relevant and highly useful for tasks related to media planning, sparking interest in its integration into Marketing Communication courses. The tool’s inclusion in the classroom makes the course feel more current and innovative, leaving students satisfied with its utility and feeling they are acquiring cutting-edge knowledge in advertising. All students agreed that using this tool reinforces, improves, and motivates learning while breaking the routine of traditional classes, making them more engaging, interactive, and enjoyable. The findings also suggest significant implications for university instructors regarding its proper integration and use in the classroom.

Keywords: Cross-media, advertising effectiveness, educational innovation, digital and traditional media, Fluzo.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Innovative Educational Technologies
Session: Technology Enhanced Learning
Session type: VIRTUAL