J. Mena1, J.M. Lorite-Fonta2, A. Patrocinio1
1 University of Salamanca (SPAIN)
2 Anaya Group (SPAIN)
Active Triangle Kids (ATK): https://activetriangles.com/active-triangles-kids/ is a techno-educational ecosystem that is an innovative solution to the so-called passive virtual learning. It enables the transition to self-regulated learning by the different users (mainly children between the ages of three and five) through the manipulation of pieces related to each other by numerous logical combinations, in addition to the connection with these using augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This project has an optical recognition application that makes it possible to recognize the pieces, as well as their characteristic elements with respect to the logic game made up of a total of 163 possible combinations, i.e., shape and color. Additionally, it has a demo produced using Unity software that has transition scenes of the different educational activities, as well as the presence of avatars or ‘genies’ that act as explanatory support of diverse questions in relation to the fulfilment of the learning activities proposed in this demo of the video game.

In another aspect, to verify the degree of viability of the video game, a proof-of-concept test (n=2) was carried out with children between three and five years of age. This test was divided into three parts, in which interaction with the logic game was carried out by manipulating the game pieces, the optical recognition application was tested and, finally, a test of the demo was carried out. Based on the results obtained in the proof of concept, it was concluded that the explanations offered to users should be clearer. In this way, short films featuring real actors were made, with the fundamental purpose of clarifying the explanations provided in the demo about the different tasks to be carried out by the users in the best possible way.

Keywords: Active Triangle Kids, Proof of Concept Test, Early Childhood Education, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Discovery Learning.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: Digital Transformation
Session type: VIRTUAL