M. Potes Barbas, A. Teles Vieira, P. Duarte Branco, E. Casimiro
The VERFISUM project addresses urgent societal issues, including the lack of access to skilled employment for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, which has been further exacerbated by the ongoing impact of the global pandemic and recent conflicts. These challenges have a particularly adverse impact on individuals residing in rural areas, migrants, and those experiencing socio-economic challenges, particularly in the context of heightened intra-European migration, as evidenced by the influx of Ukrainian migrants. The VERFISUM project, which is funded by the Erasmus+ programme, has the objective of fostering the social and labour inclusion of these populations by equipping them with the skills required for future employment. This is to be achieved through the development of innovative audiovisual educational materials.

This paper intends to outline the project's objectives, which include: the creation of an educational toolbox, comprising resources, materials and activities, with the objective of enhancing digital skills and supporting the integration of migrants into host societies and labour markets; the creation of guidelines and recommendations for the effective utilization of the aforementioned toolbox within the context of vocational education and training (VET) is also a key objective; the toolbox will be piloted in order to evaluate its effectiveness and to allow for any necessary refinements to be made based on the needs of the beneficiaries; the dissemination of the toolbox and associated best practices among stakeholders and organizations within the vocational education and training (VET) sector is also a key objective.

The objectives of VERFISUM are aligned with the broader European and national priorities of enhancing the skills of learners and trainers, promoting the social and labour inclusion of migrants, adopting a digital and green approach to learning, and developing sustainable educational materials for formal and non-formal courses. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how VERFISUM contributes to fostering long-term impact through inclusive education and employment pathways, with a particular focus on the dissemination strategies that encourage a wide-reaching influence within and beyond the participant community.

To this end, the paper will present the objectives and methodologies of VERFISUM, which are designed to facilitate the aforementioned impact.

Keywords: Social and Labour Inclusion, Vocational Education and Training (VET), Digital Skills Development, Audiovisual Educational Materials.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: 21st Century Skills
Session type: VIRTUAL