L.B. Peral1, M. Bueno1, E. Mardaras2, V. Arniella3, I. Fernández-Pariente1
1 University of Oviedo. Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón. Department of Material Science and Metallurgical Engineering (SPAIN)
2 Azterlan. Metallurgy Research Center (SPAIN)
3 University of Burgos (SPAIN)
In an increasingly competitive and ever-changing world, it is essential to form students with diligent, responsible and exhibit self-critical capabilities, enabling them to carry out tasks with a spirit of critical thinking and improvement in order to face the scientific and industrial challenges. One of these scientific and industrial challenges focus on Material Science and particularly, in Material Corrosion. Corrosion can be defined as deterioration of metallic components due to electrochemical reactions with the metal and its environment. In the fight against corrosion, research and new technological developments are oriented towards minimizing the effects of this phenomenon in order to delay its 'unavoidable appearance'. In academia and particularly, within Electrochemistry area, theoretical knowledge about corrosion have been widely documented but, is it correctly transmitted to the new generations of students taking into account the important economic losses caused by corrosion in the world of industry?. In this regard, it is important to highlight that economic losses from corrosion are equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP.

Based on feedback received from some Private Companies and Technological Centres, only a low percentage of students who complete their studies in the field of Material Science are aware of this problem, and they do not even have the necessary knowledge on the experimental methodologies that should be used to know the behavior of materials in corrosive environments. In the present work, blended learning is used with students pursuing Master's studies on Structural Integrity and Durability of Materials at the University of Oviedo (Spain). A practical teaching methodology is also proposed to arouse students' interest in Corrosion Science. The opinion of experts at scientific and industrial level, along with the impact of the implemented methodology in student's response are collected through a series of satisfaction survey.

Keywords: Corrosion Science, Technology, Blended learning.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital & Distance Learning
Session: Blended, Hybrid & Mobile Learning
Session type: VIRTUAL