E. Isidori1, B. Di Pietro2, A. Di Gianfrancesco2, F. Verdi2
1 University of Rome Foro Italico and CEFAR Nado (ITALY)
2 Committee for Anti-Doping Education, Training, and Research (CEFAR Nado) (ITALY)
The fight against doping in sports has evolved into a complex pedagogical challenge, requiring an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates various fields such as medicine, psychology, philosophy, law, pedagogy, and sociology. Doping undermines the core values of sport, jeopardizing both intrinsic and extrinsic benefits for athletes. This paper explores the methodologies that have been developed to combat doping through education, emphasizing the need for a critical-reflective pedagogical framework. Anti-doping education must transcend mere normative instruction by fostering a deep understanding of the ethical, social, and cultural dimensions of doping. Drawing from interdisciplinary insights, the methodology proposed involves a shift from traditional descriptive approaches to a more comprehensive educational model that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical application. This model is designed to empower athletes, educators, and practitioners in both formal and non-formal settings, aiming to generate lasting behavioral changes and instill a culture of integrity in sports. Particular attention is given to the role of values-based education, which serves as the foundation for building resilience against the temptation of performance-enhancing drugs. Through a combination of flipped classrooms, critical thinking exercises, and the use of digital resources, this paper outlines effective strategies for implementing anti-doping education programs. By promoting a holistic, interdisciplinary, and reflective pedagogical method, the ultimate goal is to foster a sports environment rooted in fairness, respect for the rules, and long-term ethical development.

Keywords: Anti-doping education, interdisciplinary approach, pedagogy, sports integrity.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Active & Student-Centered Learning
Session: Pedagogical Innovations
Session type: VIRTUAL