L. García-Pérez1, M. Santos2
Within the framework of the Master's Degree in Energy of the Faculty of Physics of the Complutense University of Madrid, the course Projects: Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems includes a practical exercise designed to familiarize students with real applications of modelling and simulation in companies from various sectors. This exercise is carried out in groups and focuses on the analysis of practical cases related to different companies. Within the variety of proposals, and due to the focus of the master's degree, special emphasis is placed on working on some examples related to energy companies, such as small companies that manage self-consumption solutions combining wind and solar technologies.
Each group of students is assigned a specific company, with the aim of identifying how modelling and simulation can contribute to improving their services or products. Students must develop a detailed analysis that includes the following aspects: assess whether simulation can be useful in the context of the assigned case, identify the data necessary for modelling, the sources from which to obtain them and the methods to collect them, type of model to be built, its scope and the main parameters necessary to define its behaviour. They must also specify how the validity and accuracy of the proposed model will be tested, expected results and documentation or deliverables of the project.
Finally, students must make an oral presentation of the results of their analysis in front of their peers and teachers. In this presentation they present their approach, methodology and conclusions, which encourages the development of communication skills and allows the exchange of ideas.
This practical approach allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, developing a series of skills that facilitate the acquisition of competencies, such as:
- critical analysis,
- teamwork,
- decision making in business contexts,
- oral presentation,
- agility in responding to questions posed,
- capacity for synthesis.
Keywords: Energy, education, active learning, modelling, simulation.