D. Garcia
Tecnológico de Monterrey (MEXICO)
With the growing use of artificial intelligence in academic activities, it is essential to develop educational innovations that engage students actively during class sessions and enable them to transform acquired knowledge into new insights through three key competencies: creativity, comprehension, and empathy.

Today, it is unrealistic to assume that students are disconnected from mobile devices (such as smartphones, computers, or tablets). However, we can integrate this digital lifestyle into their personal learning journeys and equip them with tools to share and communicate this knowledge with their community. Classrooms now consist primarily of Generation Z students, who are digital natives, accustomed to digital technology, the internet, and social media. This shift compels us to re-imagine and redesign class structures to ensure meaningful learning.

In response, an educational innovation called the “Learn on the Move Project” was developed, drawing on three educational trends: active and experiential learning, social networks, and mobile learning. This approach aims to align with students' behaviors and empower them in their learning process. Active learning involves engaging students in activities requiring analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, while mobile learning incorporates an electronic device that enables students to interact digitally with information anytime and anywhere.

This educational innovation was implemented in the Business Model Innovation course, which primarily aims to develop innovation and creativity competencies. Consequently, efforts were made to understand how students consume information and generate knowledge to introduce a dynamic and inclusive approach into the classroom. Our students have grown up with smartphones, which have become one of their main channels of connection with the world, shaping their ways of interaction and learning. Thus, an activity based on active and mobile learning was created to encourage each student to engage and take ownership of their learning.

The “Learn on the Move Project” website was developed, featuring a collection of at least 20 articles about companies that have applied various innovation concepts. Although all students were assigned to create an article, only those meeting all academic criteria were published. These articles were crafted through research on company activities in fields such as revenue models, networks, structure, processes, product, product systems, services, channels, brand, and customer engagement. Additionally, students were required to use an artificial intelligence tool to generate an image that visually represented the innovations applied by each company; some of the applications used included Midjourney, DALL-E, Canva, and Bing Image Creator.

Through the “Learn on the Move Project” website, students not only took responsibility for their articles but also took the initiative to review their peers' work and provide feedback to clarify ideas. The most remarkable aspect of this educational innovation is the depth of engagement students demonstrated with the website, their company research, their interaction with AI image-generation applications, and the opportunity to share their work with instructors, peers, and family members.

Keywords: Active learning, mobile learning, educational innovation, higher education.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Online & Mobile Learning
Session time: Tuesday, 4th of March from 15:00 to 16:45
Session type: ORAL