J. G. Borràs, C. Lerma, J. Vercher
Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
The changes experienced by higher education during the Bologna Process have led to significant adaptations by various educational institutions. Specifically, the emphasis on increased international mobility and the creation of comparable degrees has gradually transformed the teaching-learning environment for both students and teachers. In addition, there has been a growing interest in preparing future professionals who are competent and skilled in an increasingly globalised labour market, thus generating new needs and interactions between teachers and students.

In an effort to integrate these changes, many university degrees have introduced the option to complete the entire programme in English. Therefore, alongside the various official or co-official languages of each region, a new pathway has been introduced to deliver the same content and skills in English. This language, which serves as the medium for a large portion of global research and knowledge development, has become a meeting point for people from a wide range of backgrounds. In the classroom, this creates a developmental environment for both students and teachers, characterised by certain features and particularities that are not observed in other teaching-learning contexts.

From the teacher’s perspective, complex educational challenges arise, such as greater heterogeneity in students' foundational knowledge, their personal and educational experiences, and the linguistic barrier. The introduction of a new language represents a paradigm shift, meaning that practices effective in other contexts may lose their efficacy as learning methodologies.

The experience gained from English-language sessions on architectural construction at the Universitat Politècnica de València has provided an opportunity to observe and analyse these unique teaching-learning environments. Based on this, the present research develops a SWOT analysis from the teacher’s perspective, seeking to characterise situations and tools that differ from more common educational settings. Early identification or prior knowledge of the particularities of teaching in English can facilitate more effective communication and foster deep and engaging learning from the very first sessions.

Keywords: Teaching in English, SWOT analysis, effective communication, international mobility, linguistic barrier.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Assessment, Mentoring & Student Support
Session: Student Support & Motivation
Session type: VIRTUAL