S.A. Khan1, M.A. Nadim2, G. Poletti3
The advancement in the digital age is a rapidly evolving technology that significantly influences the education of students (Glaze, 2018). The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) mandates that educational institutions must adjust to fast-paced technology and equip students to compete globally through the integration of e-learning tools in the classroom (An, 2020). Teachers need to work together with peers to enhance their teaching methods (Utaminingsih et al., 2023a), explore and exchange ideas, and implement modifications (Chung et al., 2022). The utilization of technology in the classroom by teachers will have an impact on the technological skills of students, as stated by Lu et al. (2022). Recently, STEAM has drawn significant interest from researchers in the global education field (Chung & Li, 2021). The STEM approach is enhanced by STEAM, as mentioned by Aguilera & Ortiz-Revilla (2021). STEAM is an educational method that integrates "art" into the existing STEM, which includes science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, as indicated by (Herro & Quigley, 2016) and (Milara et al. 2020). The benefits of STEAM have been demonstrated in facilitating easier recall, enhancing cognitive abilities, and improving time management (Perignat & KatzBuonincontro, 2019). Additionally, it not only aids in teaching scientific principles but also encourages students to engage in critical thinking and innovation through artistic concepts (Lin & Tsai, 2021). Moreover, it has the potential to inspire students to develop creative thinking skills across various disciplines (How & Hung, 2019). Researchers and experts have discussed the benefits of implementing STEAM to enhance mastery of concepts and foster creative thinking (Bilgiler et al., 2020). Therefore, an analysis of the role of STEAM in education is very necessary.
Theoretical framework:
This study is designed on the basis of the constructivism theory proposed by Piaget and Vygotsky. According to Piaget (1970), knowledge can be actively constructed by interacting with the environment rather than passively receiving it through passive means. Based on Vygotsky's (1978) concept of social constructivism, STEAM education emphasizes social interaction and collaboration. In modern education, students need skills such as creativity, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and digital literacy to prepare them for 21st century challenges. AIMS: The objective of this study is to explore and propose a new paradigm of STEAM education tailored to young learners, focusing on the development of essential 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and digital literacy.
Research methodology:
This research aims to explore how STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics) in primary education can foster holistic and interdisciplinary approach to learning and prepare students for the 21st century skill. For this purpose the research will be mixed method research. Mixed method research is the combination of quali-quantitative research. As the study focuses on early and primary education so the population of the study will be primary and early childhood teachers. Then the gathered quantitative data will be analyzed through SPSS/ Machine learning software and qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis, a method that identifies, analyzes, and reports patterns (themes) within the data (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
Keywords: STEAM Education, Primary Education, 21st Century Skill.