J. Ferme
Interactive textbooks are digital textbooks that, in addition to text and images, also contain various multimedia and interactive elements such as videos, applets, exercises and links to additional resources. The content of interactive textbooks is designed to support human-computer interaction, promote learner engagement, enable dynamic work and provide immediate feedback.
With the development of digitalization, the range of interactive textbooks is also growing. In Slovenia, the e-Torba portal offers free access to materials for primary, secondary and higher education. This collection includes interactive textbooks for various subject areas.
In this paper, we focus on interactive textbooks for teaching and learning mathematics in primary and secondary schools. We present the general characteristics of these textbooks and compare them with traditional textbooks and workbooks. We will also discuss the results of some studies on these interactive textbooks.
We will present the pedagogical and didactic principles that have guided the creators of these materials. These principles are reflected in the coherent structure of the content across all topics. Although the interactive textbooks follow the typical sequence of steps in teaching mathematical concepts, they adhere to the principle of diversity. The many various interactive elements contribute to this: applets, videos and exercises. In the presentation, we will describe applets that fulfill different functions, such as simulation applets, conceptual applets, and practice applets. We will show tasks that differ in their nature, the underlying representations and the openness of the problems. Particular attention will be paid to tasks that present a bridge between solving traditional paper-based problems and hands-on activities, as well as generated exercises and the role of gamification.
Keywords: Interactive textbooks, mathematics, applets, videos, interactive exercises.