S. Gaisser, A. Knoblauch, S. Reimann, A. Martin
Ansbach University of Applied Sciences (GERMANY)
Engineers and scientists, i.e. STEM educated persons, are seen as strong drivers for technology and knowledge-driven growth and productivity in the high-tech sector including ICT services. However, since 2020 there has been a decline in the absolute number of new entrants to STEM courses.

In 2023, the Federal Statistical Office of Germany reported that 6.5% fewer students had enrolled on STEM courses in Europe. By contrast, countries in the Arab world and East Asia were able to significantly increase the proportion of STEM graduates.

A variety of measures are needed to make STEM attractive to students. This paper explains a package of measures to systematically familiarize children and young people with STEM and thus allay their fears of studying science and engineering. Over the past eight years, the Faculty of Engineering at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences has developed a concept in which participants from pre-school age to high school graduates are addressed with all their senses in age-appropriate laboratory experiments. The Ansbach model for promoting STEM acceptance begins with children of pre-school age by playfully awakening their natural curiosity. In child-friendly experiential spaces at the university, children experience themselves as researchers. In workshop topics from the fields of microbiology, food technology, and molecular biology, which become increasingly complex with the level of education, pupils are introduced to engineering and scientific issues in an age-appropriate way. It is always about experiencing science with all the senses and thus opening up not only a cognitive but also an emotional awareness for STEM.

To reduce the heavy time burden on individual members of the university, the measures are coordinated within the faculty and realized with the involvement of as many faculty members as possible in a modular way resulting in approximately four to six person weeks to attract 400 pupils per year.

Keywords: STEM promotion, education, school-university interaction.

Event: INTED2025
Track: STEM Education
Session: STEM Experiences
Session type: VIRTUAL