K. Brusila-Meltovaara, L. Heikinheimo, S. Sore
The increasingly complex and rapidly changing environment organizations operate in the pressure on higher education institutions (HEI) to alter and design their degree curriculum. A multidisciplinary design allows for a greater variety of subjects to be covered during the studies and also allows for students to choose the content of their studies more in line with their desired future career needs and desires. Multidisciplinary degrees also allow for networking across disciplines, and enhance co-operation and co-working capabilities. Another key aspect in developing multidisciplinary programs is the need for organizations to expand the skill sets of their employees. For instance, designers or software engineers should also have a comprehensive understanding of the activities for which they are designing and implementing a product or service.
This paper looks at the case of designing new multidisciplinary online Master's degree studies within LAB University of Applied Science (LAB). The aim of the curriculum design was also to construct new degrees catering to the needs of the stakeholders both within the private and public sector, building multidisciplinary future-oriented study modules and allowing for cross-national participation through online production of the degrees. Curriculum design activities were carried out within LAB throughout most of 2024, with the final decisions as to content being made during the autumn of 2024. The degrees consist of either 60 ECTS or 90 ECTS, depending on the degree program, out of which 30 ECTS are always allocated to thesis work. The remaining 30 ECTS or 60 ECTS are divided into courses amounting to 5 ECTS each. Out of the courses, a number are compulsory. The remaining are elective and can be chosen to best meet the needs of individual students. Several important topics were identified in line with the strategy of the university during the design activities and combined under the three multidisciplinary degrees: Circular Economy Solutions (CES), Technological Transformation Leadership (TTL) and Digital Experience Design and Management (DXDM). Cost efficiency and the organizational needs for graduates with improved innovation capabilities through degrees in a multidisciplinary context were also driving factors during the construction of the degrees. The enhancement of innovation capabilities is seen as essential to enable and enhance future organizational development and growth.
Keywords: Multidisciplinary degrees, education, development, innovation capabilities.