B. Refaei, R. Kumar
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (UNITED STATES)
The changing student body in higher education requires a rethinking of how to create a more equitable and inclusive learning environment that supports all learners in achieving their educational goals. In our recent book on inclusive teaching practices in higher education, the contributors focused on how to intentionally create an inclusive environment across academic disciplines using inclusive pedagogy, curriculum, and assessment. Contributors represented a variety of higher educational institutions in multiple disciplines who shared their own classroom experiences to illustrate what works in creating inclusive environments with their students. These contributors described how they incorporated inclusive practices in their curricular, pedagogical, and assessment practices. In this presentation, we will share how these educators intentionally used these practices to create inclusive learning environments across various higher educational settings. Educators also shared how inclusive practices can make learning in large classrooms and in online environments more accessible and effective. Inclusive pedagogy is an intentional process of transforming the learning environment so that it respects the ways of knowing and being all students bring to the learning situation. It sustains all members of the classroom community by drawing upon the unique gifts each person brings to the learning environment by recognizing students’ home cultures, dialects, and norms as equal to those of the dominant cultural norms. The presenters will give examples to support participants in transforming their courses. An inclusive curriculum is accessible, relevant, and engaging to all students. The course materials should reflect student realities and experiences. An inclusive curriculum provides all students with opportunities to achieve the learning outcomes for their program of study. The presenters will provide resources so participants can develop a more inclusive curriculum. When faculty have done the difficult work of examining their assumptions about teaching and learning, worked to implement inclusive pedagogy, and carefully constructed an inclusive curriculum, they are ready to create inclusive assessment processes. These assessment processes must follow the same values of honoring each student’s unique lived experience in documenting their learning. Inclusive assessment provides students with multiple means to demonstrate their learning. In this session, the presenters will share with participants strategies to develop inclusive assessment practices.

Keywords: Inclusion, equity, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Diversity Issues
Session time: Monday, 3rd of March from 17:15 to 18:30
Session type: ORAL