L. Ljungcrantz, P. Mozelius, J. Jaldemark
The current wave of digitalization and Artificial intelligence (AI) has highlighted the need for adaptation of AI techniques in various sectors, and particularly in education. Preparing students for a digitalized world with AI-tools and techniques is now imperative, with an extra strong need in programmes on teacher training. Universities must incorporate AI-related theories and practices into their curricula, to equip current and future educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to update teaching and learning activities. This study aims to examine, analyse and discuss the curricula of eight preschool education programmes at some selected universities. The focus of a document analysis has been on how these programmes incorporate concepts related to AI and digitalization. The research question that guided this study was: "How are digitalization and AI-related theories and methods integrated into the preschool teacher education curricula at Swedish universities, and what are the perceived challenges and opportunities in integrating these technologies?"
The study approach was a document analysis that was carried out in the steps of:
1) familiarization,
2) identifying a thematic framework,
3) indexing,
4) charting, and finally
5) interpretation.
This was combined with a deductive thematic analysis with a focus on new emerging sub-themes of the preset themes. Findings show that none of the curricula mentions the word artificial intelligence or the abbreviation AI. However, themes from the analysis that have a relationship to AI, and probably in some form will involve AI in the future were: 'Digitalization of Higher Education', 'Digital Tools for Education', and 'Science, Math, and Digital Expression'. Authors recommendation is to open discussion fora about what kind of education we want our preschool teachers to receive to prepare children for a future world where AI is a ubiquitous part of everyday life. An interesting idea for future research would be to interview participants in the preschool education programmes to get their opinions on the existing curricula.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, AI, Preschool Education, Teacher Education, Curricula Analysis, Digitalization.