N. Moodley, H. Ditta
The importance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is showcased as a new ballgame for the 21st century in education. ICT tools have opened doors for innovative instructional techniques and its potential to transform classrooms into responsive learning environments. Despite the global recognition of the transformative potential of ICT in teaching and learning, the integration of ICT in curriculum delivery in schools is limited and with challenges. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the challenges that exist for the successful integration of ICT during curriculum delivery in South African schools. This study was guided by the following research question: What are the challenges of ICT integration on curriculum delivery in schools? It followed Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development to show how ICT can act as a powerful scaffolding tool within the Zone of Proximal Development. This research adopted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) design.
The data was sought through a search on Google Scholar and Scopus using keywords such as, “unequal education”, “ICT in education South Africa”, “curriculum implementation South Africa”, “curriculum delivery in well- resourced schools”, “challenges in ICT curriculum delivery”, “importance of ICT in schools” and “barriers to ICT implementation” within the last five years. In addition to this, data from government policies on e-Education was consulted. Ten articles were analysed using thematic analysis, by identifying and categorising patterns which were placed into themes.
The findings showed there is limited access to ICT resources; teachers lacked knowledge on ICT use and there was lack of connectivity. It is envisaged that this study could contribute towards initiating teacher training programs on the use of ICT during curriculum delivery and the expansion of the ICT policy implementation.
Keywords: Information communication technology, curriculum, resources, connectivity, curriculum delivery.