J. Carneiro Pinto, S. Costa-Ramalho, C. Branquinho
The promotion of success in higher education is a widely studied topic, with a significant body of research consolidating decades of investigation on the subject. The literature reveals that reducing dropout rates and promoting academic success in higher education require a deep understanding of the complex interactions between individual, social, and organizational factors. It is imperative that any strategy aimed at mitigating dropout rates be grounded in a robust analysis of the underlying causes, emphasizing the importance of informed and personalized approaches to meet students' needs and create an environment conducive to retention and academic success. In this context, the literature also highlights that increasing institutional resources, fostering academic and social integration, and encouraging student motivation and skills are priority areas for intervention. While many of these variables are beyond the direct reach of higher education institutions, there are aspects that can be influenced, contributing to a more supportive environment for student success. In this presentation, we will introduce a set of initiatives grounded in the literature and structured in alignment with the environment of the institution where they were developed, as part of the PROTEUS project - PROmoTing succEss in UniverSity, funded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (Direção Geral do Ensino Superior), Portugal.
Keywords: Higher education, academic success, PROTEUS project.