A. Izquierdo, R. Gilar-Corbí, J.L. Castejón
Teacher self-efficacy, understood as teachers' perception of their ability to influence student learning, is a key factor in both educational effectiveness and teacher well-being. Due to its impact on educational quality and the need to strengthen teacher training and professional development, this study aims to conduct a thematic analysis of scientific publications indexed in Web of Science, focusing on this concept between 2020 and 2024. The analysis seeks to identify the main approaches and trends in research on teacher self-efficacy and its educational relevance.
Data collection was conducted using the Web of Science database, limiting the search to document titles. The time range spanned from January 1, 2020, to May 31, 2024, to include recent research. After filtering out non-scientific articles and those without full access, 683 articles were selected for final analysis.
The thematic analysis identified seven main categories addressing the most frequent approaches in research on teacher self-efficacy. One category examines the relationship between self-efficacy and teachers' emotional and physical well-being, highlighting its protective role against stress, anxiety, and burnout. Another category focuses on how self-efficacy influences effective classroom management, from behavior management to creating positive learning environments. In specific teaching contexts, such as STEM, inclusive education, and language teaching, it is observed that adapting teacher training can enhance self-efficacy. Additionally, studies on the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) highlight how technological training strengthens self-efficacy and fosters educational innovation. Moreover, self-efficacy is associated with professional development, where continuing education programs and learning communities reinforce this competence, directly impacting educational quality. Regarding student engagement, the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and teachers' ability to promote student engagement and performance is explored. Finally, the role of self-efficacy in multicultural environments is examined, underscoring the need for training that enables teachers to adapt to cultural diversity and foster classroom inclusion.
The results of the analysis show that teacher self-efficacy is not only crucial for teachers' professional development but also directly influences the quality of the educational environment, affecting teacher well-being and student performance. Educational institutions and policymakers should consider these findings when designing training strategies that strengthen self-efficacy, especially in areas such as the use of technologies, teaching in specific contexts, and adapting to cultural diversity, thereby improving teaching effectiveness and promoting inclusive learning environments.
This research was funded by MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE (Proyecto Ref. PID2021-125279OB-I00).
Keywords: Teacher self-efficacy, thematic analysis, thematic review, scientific output.