I. Nabaskues Martínez de Eulate1, M. Ugartemendia Yerobi2
1 University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Faculty of Law (SPAIN)
2 University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Faculty of Medicine and Nursing (SPAIN)
This research is guided by the existential approach. University methodologies seek quality standards based on rationalistic paradigm. Beyond rationalist-technocratic approach, the research used a concrete experience based methodology. The neosocratic-existential approach is based on the philosophical contribution of the French philosopher Gabriel Marcel, where non-rational elements such as intuition and intersubjectivity play a crucial role.

The neo-socratic-existential framework was developed in three different levels in the research: the first one, the philosophical approach; the second, the methodology and finally, the channel that served to materialize it.

With regards to the philosophical approach, according to the neo-socratic-existential approach, the student is an essential element in the classroom. There are two features in relation to the student. Firstly, the teacher/learner relationship and secondly, the relationship among classmates. The relationship is also a significant element of the philosophical approach, where “the other” is not an external part of the “self”, but rather, a subject that acts and helps to shape the idea of the “self”.

Secondly, the neo-socratic-existential approach is based on the technique of Socratic maieutic, a method where the teacher, by means of questions, makes the students discover notions latent within them. In this method, “argumentation” - the ability to give reasons in favor of one thesis or another - takes on special importance. The idea of “bringing out” ideas that are inside the student, raises a dynamic of “asking questions”, and the process of elaborating them implies the implementation of argumentation.

Finally, the channel that facilitates the activity of relation and argumentation is the story telling. Traditionally, non-rational aspects, such as emotions and empathy, have not been taken into account very much in Legal and Economic Sciences. Story telling provides a background from which the case can be related to the nuances expressed in a narrative of facts, since fiction expresses persistent forms of human need and desire, embodied in specific social situations.

The empirical experiment was carried out to teach Philosophy of Law to students of the joint degree of Business Administration and Law at the University of the Basque Country. It was carried out on a group of 20 joint degree students. It was developed during a series of practical sessions with groups of 5 people (4 groups).

Different benefits of the existential approach can already be identified. An evaluation questionnaire was used in order to elaborate the assessment of the practical sessions. Measurable results have been identified in different areas as: evaluation of teacher´s practical proposals; teamworking encouragement; the development of reflective practice and critical self-awareness; contribution to a positive climate for class discussion and communication between the teacher and student.

Other items could be included in order to better analyze the results of the study, but this would imply adjusting the questionnaires to the specific needs of the neosocratic-existential approach. The most important conclusion of the study is that the findings show that the neo-socratic-existential approach allows a significant improvement in the items of student satisfaction in qualitative elements that are difficult to measure such as those described.

Keywords: Neosocratism, Existentialism, story telling, Practical sessions at University.