L. del Val, J.J. Villacorta, A. Izquierdo, J. Retortillo
Universidad de Valladolid (SPAIN)
More and more teachers in Higher Education are using innovative didactic techniques that focus some of the programmed activities on motivating student learning. One of these techniques is gamification, and within it the educational Escape Room. These activities, in addition to motivating students, allow them to develop skills, or competencies, such as observation, experimentation, concentration, the ability to learn to think, logical reasoning, etc., which are skills whose development is usually part of the learning objectives associated with technical subjects at the university level.

This article shows the design and implementation of a dynamic Escape Room, or more specifically a Break out, which was incorporated in a coordinated manner in the course 23-24, in the practical part of 3 subjects of the School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Valladolid, which focus on learning Digital Signal Processing techniques. The objective of the indicated dynamics is to offer the student a more dynamic and interactive vision of the practical contents developed in the corresponding subjects, giving a nexus of union to the different evaluable practices of the laboratory, through a narrative of the dynamics focused on saving the history of Telecommunications.

In addition, although the subjects associated with the project are purely technical, the history on which the dynamics is based is used to incorporate curiosities related to the History of Telecommunications, to show students transversal concepts related to ethical and authorship problems that have been and are continuously linked to litigation for the development of new discoveries. This dynamics gives, as well, visibility to the role of women in the History of Telecommunications and highlights the role of Spanish researchers in the development of these technologies.

Keywords: Higher Education, Escape Room, Motivation, Digital Signal Processing.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Active & Student-Centered Learning
Session: Gamification & Game-based Learning
Session type: VIRTUAL