E. Ramos1, A. Romero1, A.Y. González2, J.A. Morales García1, J. Egea2, E. Sola1
We decided to create a new up-to-date seminar for undergraduate students. When it comes to implementing a new seminar in a higher education curriculum, careful planning and performance are required to ensure its success. With this in mind, when we arranged to design and implement this seminar, we realized that it was a complex process, that required several important steps. The first step involved the identification of the need to include new toxicological assessment methods during undergraduate students´ training. From there, we defined the learning objectives we aimed to achieve with this new in silico seminar and after this, we proceeded to design the seminar content, to choose the teaching methodology, and determine how the assessments would be carried out—all of which were developed taking into account an appropriate integration with the curriculum.
The development and implementation of this seminar has required a specific training of the teachers responsible of teaching it to the Toxicology students. Once all the planned steps had been followed, we successfully implemented this new in silico toxicological analysis seminar. We worked with the students in a very dynamic way, with a strong sense of success in achieving learning outcomes and with high satisfaction from the teachers.
To evaluate and gather feedback on this new experience, surveys were designed for the students to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the method, as well as the level of students´ satisfaction. All the students agreed that it was a highly innovative seminar, compared to others they had attended, and they rated the effectiveness of the method very positively. We found that the vast majority of students had not attended similar seminars previously, and all of them thought it would be interesting to implement this type of seminar in other curricular subjects. As well, all the students found the seminar interesting, and students reported a high satisfaction with the progress achieved. Notably, the involvement of the teachers in the seminar was greatly rated. Overall, the surveys showed that this new seminar, in the Toxicology curriculum was a success; therefore enriching the students' educational experience and contributing to the achievement of the academic program's objectives.
Keywords: In silico, toxicology, e-learning.