N.P. Maldonado Reynoso1, N. Islas Ayala2, L.P. Rodríguez Maldonado3
1 Instituto Politecnico Nacional, CIECAS (MEXICO)
2 Instituto Politecnico Nacional, CECyT#8 (MEXICO)
3 Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (MEXICO)
Since the second decade of the 21st century, we have witnessed the accelerated use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools across various fields, including education. In higher and postgraduate education, AI tools have been introduced as a “silent” element, often perceived negatively and unethically, associated with copy-and-paste practices and plagiarism. In response, a project was conducted in 2023 at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) (SIP Project 20231557), a highly recognized institution in Mexico. The project aimed to develop a proposal for the IPN based on Constructivism and the Epistemology of Complexity, envisioning future educational scenarios and strategies for the appropriate and ethical use of AI tools, with particular attention to ChatGPT.

Initially, a documentary research analysis was performed on current uses, regulations, and actions taken by prestigious universities worldwide regarding these tools. Subsequently, using qualitative methodology, interviews were conducted with educational experts from Mexico’s three largest higher education institutions: IPN, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM).

The main results highlight that AI tools have progressed much faster than regulations, conferences, and global reflections on their use, with uneven progress across different countries. Experts interviewed emphasized the need for universities to carefully monitor the pace of AI tool incorporation to avoid professional disparities among graduates from different institutions. While AI integration has advanced significantly in computer science and robotics, its adoption in social sciences and humanities is still incipient and driven by institutional vision. However, this does not imply the absence of AI use, as students actively use these tools despite resistance from some educators. This resistance is often rooted in perceptions of AI implications rather than personal experience and is compounded by a general lack of digital skills and pedagogical vision for AI integration.

Based on these findings, a comprehensive implementation strategy is proposed for the IPN, which could also serve as recommendations for other universities. The proposal includes:
a) observing policies at other universities to establish clear guidelines for AI use in teaching, learning, and evaluation;
b) training and skills development for teaching, administrative staff, and students, covering the use of generative AI such as ChatGPT and a wide range of AI tools from an educational strategy perspective that enables personalized teaching and learning;
c) technological integration, requiring advanced infrastructure and the capability to incorporate these tools into existing systems; and
d) evaluation, necessitating a review of roles and expectations within universities to understand AI’s impact on different areas, including teaching, administration, and students, to make informed decisions based on quantitative data and ethical considerations.

To complete the above proposal, it is important to keep in mind the collaboration between universities and the industry to align with a culture of cultural change and innovation that society requires.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, higher education, postgraduate studies, educational strategies.