I.D. Rojas Moreno
IED San Cayetano (COLOMBIA)
The Integral Territorial Environmental Peace (PITA) has emerged as an innovative proposal of the Colombian pedagogical and environmental movement, which is transforming the pedagogical practice of rural education in Bogotá, particularly in the teaching of social sciences. This proposal links the categories of peace, integrality, territory and environment, offering students in rural areas a more complete and contextualized perspective of their reality, through pedagogical experiences where they intertwine the knowledge of social sciences with a deep understanding of the environmental and social challenges facing their community.

The implementation of the PITA in the social sciences curriculum of the IED San ​​Cayetano has allowed the creation of significant connections between the philosophical perspectives of sustainability, the academic contents and the daily reality of rural students, revitalizing their own knowledge, guaranteeing basic learning rights , promoting the ulterior nature of knowledge, and making use of information and communication technologies combined with the use of community technologies.

This is evident through lessons on history that now include discussions about how past conflicts have affected the use of land and natural resources in the Cundibyacense highlands. Likewise, geography topics are addressed from a perspective of ecological sustainability, exploring how traditional and ancestral practices can be adapted to protect nature in times of climate change and extreme weather events, while societies guarantee human, economic, social, cultural and environmental.

Therefore, the most transformative aspect of PITA in rural education in Bogotá is its emphasis on the empowerment of students as collective subjects of social transformation for their communities, where through practical projects and field work, young people learn. to identify territorial problems, propose solutions and collaborative work to transform them.

This not only contributes to the learning of academic knowledge, it also encourages critical actions based on systemic thinking, conflict transformation and active citizenship, therefore, as a result, rural education in Bogotá is forming a new generation of communities and leadership committed to sustainability and peace in their territories.

Keywords: PITA, teaching of social sciences, pedagogical innovation and pedagogical practice.