K.E. Lengyel Almos, J.A. Bravo Anduaga
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (MEXICO)
The objective of this educational innovation was to explore if using ChatGPT and economic databases enhances the development of systemic thinking in students from various disciplines with an integrated transdisciplinary vision in the course of Geopolitical Risks. According to the competence titled "Reasoning for Complexity," students are expected to learn how to integrate different types of reasoning in analysis, synthesis, and problem-solving, with a disposition for continuous learning. The systemic thinking sub-competence evaluates whether the student can analyze problems with an integrated vision from inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives, considering reality as a set of interconnected systems.

To evaluate this, a sequence of activities was designed to assess whether active learning based on research (ABI) contributes to the development of the mentioned competence. Measurement tools included an initial open survey on knowledge of ChatGPT and economic databases, qualitative evaluation with Mentimeter, student-generated reports, verbal interviews, and a plenary debate. The methodology was research-based learning, designed to integrate political and economic concepts using specialized economic databases for a comprehensive view of current issues. Students used ChatGPT to analyze economic databases, validate the reports generated by cross-checking information with reliable sources, and developed skills in systemic and critical thinking.

At the beginning of the class, 16 out of 22 students had used ChatGPT; by the end, all did, increasing usage by 38 percent. Initially, four out of 22 students has heard about Harvard University's Atlas of Economic Complexity, and only one was familiar with the Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index. By the end of the activity, all students used both databases adequately. Mentimeter feedback showed a highly positive impact on understanding and application of new tools. Additional evidence included photographs, and examples of submitted work.

The educational innovation "Integration of ChatGPT and Digital Economic Atlases for Geopolitical Analysis and Future Risk Assessment" achieved its goal of developing systemic thinking sub-competence from a transdisciplinary perspective by exploring the integrated use of ChatGPT with advanced economic databases. Students with diverse backgrounds learned to consult ChatGPT using predefined criteria, iterate responses, and validate the information obtained with reliable sources. Benefits included promoting systemic thinking, strengthening active and critical learning, and improving preparation for future geopolitical and economic analyses. Evidence, including surveys, reports, Mentimeter reflections, and plenary debates, demonstrated improvement in systemic thinking competence. Student suggestions included allocating more time to active learning and exploring new sources and technologies. Recommendations for future interventions are to improve Mentimeter questions by including initial survey questions and closing questions after the debate and to extend the time dedicated during the course.

Keywords: Technology, education, artificial intelligence, transdisciplinarity, economic databases, geopolitics.