A. Soler-Domínguez, J.C. Matallín-Sáez
Universitat Jaume I (SPAIN)
Entrepreneurship has been the subject of extensive research in recent years. The ability of entrepreneurs to foster economic development, drive innovation and promote social progress is unquestionable. However, the spectrum of entrepreneurship has evolved to incorporate a more conscious and responsible perspective. The concept of sustainable entrepreneurship emerged in response to the growing environmental and social challenges facing our society. This form of entrepreneurship goes beyond economic success to also address environmental and social concerns, and its evolution reflects a change in how entrepreneurs view the role of their companies in society.

This perspective is aligned with the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Development Agenda; in particular, institutional support for sustainable entrepreneurship initiatives is increasing substantially, thus providing a framework for global collaboration. This change not only points in a positive direction, but also raises a number of questions about how companies can navigate through multiple strategic orientations and simultaneously integrate sustainable practices into their business strategy. Scholars suggest that sustainable entrepreneurial orientation should be viewed as a dynamic capability that enables firms to adopt diverse strategies to foster an entrepreneurial mindset while integrating sustainable practices.

However, this perspective is still only partially explored. The question remains of how these sustainable practices can be sustained in the long term and how business models can evolve to reflect these changing priorities. Sustainable entrepreneurship is not just a trend, but an emerging necessity. As we continue to explore its definitions and conceptual scope, the evidence suggests that both firms and entrepreneurs which adopt a sustainable approach will be better positioned not only to survive this shift towards a more conscious and responsible economy but to thrive in the changing global economic landscape. Therefore, examining the role of business education and, more specifically, the role of business schools in integrating and supporting the development of skills and competencies that align with our contemporary society.

This study considers the case of Universitat Jaume I (Spain) where we argue on the need to facilitate and promote global education that help the country to reconsider its future business and economic model. This study provides an exploratory assessment of the need to connect entrepreneurial and sustainability education as being identified as essential elements. The research findings indicate that the University's educational offer is defined by its wide range of entrepreneurship programmes, with a diverse offer available to students focused on fostering the development of creativity, design thinking, and sustainability, which are identified as critical skills to help to support economic transition processes.

Keywords: development, education, innovation, sustainability.