A.M. Sugliano1, M. Cavallini2
1 Associazione EPICT (ITALY)
2 Liguria Digitale S.p.A (ITALY)
The article describes the details of a system which, within the digital platform named “Observatory” of the "Digital School Liguria" project, allows to detect and represent on a online dashboard, the digital skills practiced by students, teachers and institutes in Ligurian schools.

The Observatory platform is a lesson plan repository free for all Ligurian teachers, based on a classification system that has been mapped onto the DigComp frameworks: while teachers use the platform to document the innovative digital teaching activities they carry out in their schools, the platform automatically "translates" the contents of the selected fields into corresponding DigComp 2.2, DigCompEdu, DigCompOrg skills. This allows to obtain evidence of the digital skills respectively exercised by students, teachers and institutes as a consequence of the activities carried out.

DigComp frameworks mapping and the data analysis statistical method were initially validated in 2023 and then submitted to a group of experts who followed a standard validation protocol to provide their feedback. The result:
1) showed great appreciation for the platform data analysis capabilities,
2) validated the used statistical method and
3) highlighted a very good fit between the classification system and the DigComp framework.

A few suggested modifications were collected and implemented into the final system.

The dashboard for each of the DigComp frameworks shows:
1) a histogram graph showing the data of the most and least practiced skills in schools in Liguria;
2) an in-depth analysis for each area of ​​expertise.

It is to underline that the results displayed on the dashboard, are qualitative and linked to the concept of "practice" of digital skills: it is not an evaluation system, but the data collected - correlated with the evaluation activities that can be carried out in schools - constitutes a tool for monitoring and explaining the digital innovation process of the education system in Liguria region.

The DigComp dashboard is part of the broader visualization system of all the data obtainable from the contents of the platform. The possibility of having a synoptic overview of the digital activities carried out in the classes of Liguria, the detail of the DigComp skills together with the possibility for teachers to insert and sharing their teaching projects, make the Observatory platform a tool to support the professional development of teachers and for the educational management. The documentation process and the possibility of tracing and reusing lesson plans created by other colleagues, the possibility of monitoring the more or less practiced digital skills and therefore identifying the gaps to be filled, all constitute a precious form of non-formal training for teachers.

The Observatory platform has been developed by the "Digital School Liguria" - financed by the European Social Fund - is a systemic project that started in 2016 with the operational management of Liguria Digitale S.p.A, an in-house company of Regione Liguria and its Member Entities that implements the region's entire digital strategy. As results of a public funded project, the digital platform Observatory is ready for the reuse by other Italian public administrations.

Keywords: Digital competences, Educational management, Professional Development of Teachers, ICT Skills Development, Leadership and Management.