Κ. Demestichas1, M. Ntaliani1, E. Bitakou1, C. Costopoulou1, C. Constantinou2, A. Milioti3, B. Ćupina4, N. Magazin4, M. Radišić5, J. Calders6, J. Pieters6, A. Kemeltaeva7, K. Uyttenhove8
1 Agricultural University of Athens (GREECE)
2 Rezos Brands S.A. (GREECE)
3 Smart Agro Hub (GREECE)
4 University of Novi Sad (SERBIA)
5 Foodscale Hub (SERBIA)
6 Ghent University (BELGIUM)
Widening countries, such as Greece and Serbia, are left behind of the European average in terms of investment in Research and Innovation as well as scientific excellence, with Digital Agriculture (DA) being a notable area of concern. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in widening countries have the potential to significantly address this gap, but they require support to achieve excellence in DA research and education. On the contrary, HEIs in non-widening countries like Belgium have successfully developed ecosystems that promote close collaboration between HEIs, Digital Innovation Hubs, and industry, utilizing advanced digital technologies to benefit residents and businesses.

In this context, a survey was conducted by developing and utilizing a questionnaire, in order to gather comprehensive insights into the current state and future needs of DA education within HEIs. The questionnaire was addressed to Faculty of HEIs. The questionnaire included a combination of both qualitative and quantitative questions. The integration of these two question types allowed to obtain a thorough understanding of the reform requirements in DA education. The aim was to identify key areas requiring transform, enhancement or support, to ensure that DA education aligns with the latest advancements and industry demands.

Consequently, a total of fifty participants provided responses. In the questionnaire eleven Faculty members took part from Belgium; twenty from Greece; and nineteen from Serbia. Moreover, the analysis and reporting of the data obtained from the questionnaire was carried out. This analysis facilitated the identification of trends, specific challenges, and reform needs, while also providing insights into the overall landscape of DA within HEIs.

The majority of HEI professors believe that enhancing DA education is very important and feel moderately comfortable integrating DA topics into their teaching. Thus, there is still a notable proportion who may need additional support and resources to fully integrate DA topics into their courses. In widening countries, a significant percentage (almost 44%) of professors believe that the quality of teaching and research in DA at their HEIs is lower compared to well-recognized HEIs, whereas no professors from the non-widening country share this belief. This disparity is an indicator of the need for targeted improvements and support for widening countries to bridge this quality gap.

Overall, the findings reveal valuable insights to stakeholders and can be utilized to guide the development of strategies targeted at enhancing DA education in higher education environments, benefiting students, educators, and the broader agricultural sector.

Acknowledgements: Funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement no. 101136578). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Keywords: Higher education, agricultural education, digital agriculture, capacity building, innovation hub, multi-actor approach, agribusiness, excellence in education.