F. Caprino, P. Giorgi
"Sentieri e linguaggi” (Paths and languages), is a research-action pilot project that was completed in 2023. It targeted a group of small schools in the inland areas of Tuscany. The project aimed to enhance cultural awareness and expression skills, focusing on the historical, artistic, and environmental heritage of the region, as well as digital skills, particularly the creative use of new media and film education.

The project’s theme revolved around the pilgrimage routes travelled by pilgrims starting in medieval times to major faith destinations such as Rome and Santiago de Compostela. The participating schools are in mountainous areas with significant natural and cultural attractions, near ancient pilgrimage paths.

The Pistoia stretches of the Via Francigena, the Via Romea and other ancient paths have become, in the course of periodic releases, the set of a cinematographic experiment realized with poor but powerful means such as smartphones.

During several walks along these paths, classes engaged with archaeologists, biologists, and local history experts to gain a new perspective on their surroundings and, at the same time, filmed the places they visited. Back at school, students explored the themes through diverse activities like readings, games, workshops, and themed film screenings. In the project's culmination, each class produced original audiovisual materials using footage from the outings, which were combined into a final collective work.

The project also involved the creation of a dedicated portal, teacher training, preparation of a teaching kit, dissemination activities, and project monitoring and evaluation. The positive reception from the schools has encouraged the intention to propose the project again, expanding to other schools in the rural areas of Tuscany or elsewhere in Italy, building upon the experience gained from the pilot project and the ongoing research conducted by INDIRE to enhance its methods, materials, and content.

Keywords: Media Education, Mobile film making, Cultural awareness, Digital skills.