K. Dimitrova
University “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” (BULGARIA)
Sustainable development is a concept that has been formed and consolidated in recent decades as a response to the growing global challenges related to the environmental, social and economic aspects of our world. According to the generally accepted definition formulated by the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development in the report "Our Common Future" (1987), sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The importance of sustainable development in the modern world is undeniable.

Sustainable development covers three main dimensions: economic, social and environmental. The economic dimension focuses on stable economic growth and equitable access to resources and services. The social dimension emphasizes justice, equality and improving the quality of life. The ecological dimension includes the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems, as well as the sustainable management of resources.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) plays an important role in the preparation of future kindergarten and primary teachers, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to promote sustainability in their classrooms and communities.

First, ESD provides prospective teachers with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of sustainable development, including environmental sustainability, social justice and economic sustainability. Through specialized courses and practical activities, future teachers are introduced to methods and strategies for integrating these principles into the learning process.
Second, ESD develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills in future teachers, which are essential for dealing with the complex challenges of the modern world. Through active learning methods such as projects, research and discussions, students learn to analyze and evaluate various environmental and social problems, develop sustainable solutions and foster the same skills in their future students.
Third, ESD promotes ethical and moral values in future teachers by teaching them responsibility towards the environment and society.

ESD offers prospective teachers practical tools and resources to effectively teach sustainable development. Students learn how they can enrich their classrooms and create inspiring and motivating learning experiences for their students.

The methodology of the presented research includes a theoretical part and presentation of practical models. The purpose of the first part of the presented work is to study basic principles and components of education for sustainable development, international and national documents and policies related to ESD, to analyze the methods and approaches for integrating ESD into the training of future teachers.

The second part of this article presents a model for working with students preparing to become kindergarten and elementary school teachers, implemented in the academic year 2022-2023.

The role of education for sustainable development in the preparation of future kindergarten and elementary school teachers is multi-layered and extremely significant. It not only builds the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to teach sustainability, but also shapes values and attitudes that will help build a sustainable future.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Teacher Training, Environmental Education, Early Childhood Education and Primary Education, Global Citizenship.